Returns & Exchange
Here at we want you to be completely satisfied every time you shop with us. Occasionally though, we know you may want to return items.
You may return most new, unopened items within 60 days of delivery for a full refund or exchange. Please also put a letter inside with your full details as follows; Name, Address, Order I.D, Email Address, Contact daytime telephone Number. Please also include a full and complete description of why you have returned the goods and if you would like an exchange or refund.
Original delivery charges are non-refundable where a premium service was selected i.e. special delivery.
If returning an item you the customer will be responsible for the cost of returning the item to us. It can be shipped back via a service of your choice although we do recommend a secure trackable method that requires a signature on delivery.
If you have received the wrong goods or a faulty item please contact us ASAP to discuss the options available
Return address
MilitaryOps Ltd
Grey Street Street
United Kingdom
M34 3RU
0161 336 5924